Each day, over 5,000 senior citizens living below the poverty line here in Stanislaus County have to make decisions about how to spend their very limited income. Some seniors receive as little as $500 per month. Many receive something around $1,250. They become dependent on others, including the government, for assistance in meeting their essential needs. One of those needs is food. Each month, our ministry delivers groceries to many seniors with financial needs. We deliver fresh fruits, vegetables, bread, soups, cereals, lunch meats, cheeses, and more. We are serving people that are often forgotten. They have worked all their lives and have been left with very little in their golden years. They had worked hourly jobs all their lives. Some have lost their spouse and are left with very little after paying monthly expenses. Inflation has outpaced their retirement savings. Many lower-income seniors are not buying fresh fruits and vegetables because of the cost. We make sure they receive fresh fruits and vegetables with their groceries. You can help. Our ministry models the saying, “helping one person may not change the world, but it could change the world for that one person.” Your donation blesses The Good News of Stanislaus County ministry and our senior community. Please stop by our donation page and consider being a blessing to others today.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT at our annual yard sale held October 1 & 2.
1000's of items were donated and many friends volunteered to help set up, work the sale and clean up this year.
One day, we were informed about a man who lives on the western side of town. He has some medical issues that don’t allow him to leave his mobile home very often. He has a best friend of more than a decade—his dog. A visiting nurse comes by to check on him from time to time and someone comes in to clean. He receives less than $1,000 per month from Social Security. His monthly space rent is nearly $700. Then, there are utilities, television, insurance, and some medical costs that eat up his monthly income. There is no money left for the needed maintenance of his home. AVC came in and rebuilt his steps, making it safe for him to enter his home. The bags of groceries that we deliver each month have been a blessing to him, but they can also be a blessing to the people who donate each month.